
Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Politics of Food

"It's beautiful! Good food production should be aesthetically and aromatically, sensually romantic".
~Joel Salatin as quoted in Farmageddon 
Farmageddon is a new food related documentary revealing how the powerful food industries, through government control,  suppress small sustainable farming. The other day I was talking with someone about raising pigs. They told me that because they love animals so much they could never pour love and attention into an animal that was going to be butchered. I find it puzzling that these same people wouldn't think twice about buying bacon from the supermarket without consideration of the deplorable, unnatural life those hogs lived before becoming food. And not only that, but by buying that bacon they are supporting the dismal life of factory raised animals when they could support small farmers who love their livestock. So, even though there is a long list of provocative food related documentaries already out there, we still have a long way to go in educating people about beautiful food from farm to table.


  1. Christi, I couldnt agree more. I am sure each country in the world has certain issues concerning food. Yet I never experienced a situation like here. Thanks for sharing the link. I am off to check it out...
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Hadn't heard of this one - it's on my list now!

    I'm a vegetarian but I advocate people raising their own meat. I've actually had people question how I could support such a cruel thing when my diet 'supposedly' means I care for animals...and this from people who buy factory farmed meat. Uh.

    There is a huge disconnect between how food is raised and what ends up on our plates. Most people have no clue. I don't see how that is with so many docs like this one out there. Are they living under rock!?!

  3. Paula, I could be wrong but I don't think there is government control over a nations food supply anywhere like the USA.

    Marissa, I was a vegetarian for years! Also macrobiotic and a raw foodist at different times too. Each methodology taught me more about health, personal choices, and food culture. I appreciate what each has to offer :)

  4. I'm sending some traffic your way with the Stylish Blog Award! I'm new to such matters but when I learned I needed to pass it on, I could honestly only think of one blog that deserved it!

  5. Wow, thanks!! You are far more blog savvy than I am, I don't even know what the Stylish Blog Award is. It sounds very nice though :) I'm so glad you thought of me!

  6. I was new to this too! You can see the rules on my posts here. and check out the blog that bestowed the honor on me! You can play along too and do the '7 things' post if you'd like!
